Elementary Level 2

Start Deutsch 2 - Deutsch A2

upgrade your basic german

You will be able to use simple sentence structures with phrases and speech formulas to exchange information in simple everyday situations



  • to understand and communicate information about familiar and familiar things
  • to describe your own background and education
  • to speak about your environment and things related to immediate needs

german from the beginning

in the courses, only the target language german is used


abbreviations, professions, family members, marital status, colors, cardinal points, school and subjects, currencies and measures, time specified, date, seasons and months, days of the week and numbers etc.


comparative forms and increase, verbs with indirect and direct object, subordinate clauses, prepositions, conditional, future, reflexive verbs, declination of the adjectives, past tense etc.




ask and answer questions as well as respond to simple statements / show when you understand / understand enough to keep the conversation going

Elementary German Course Superior "Deutsch A2"
the elementary german level superior and its structure
Struktur Kurs Deutsch A2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 9.6 MB